
Dr Emma Haycraft

Senior researcher consultant

Region: Global

Emma Haycraft is an academic psychologist in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. Emma conducts research which contributes to health promotion efforts in the UK and abroad, focusing in particular on nutrition and healthy development in children and adolescents. Emma’s research aims to understand how to promote health behaviour change in a variety of contexts. Much of her work focuses on children’s eating behaviours and caregiver feeding practices, with the aim of supporting the development of dietary variety within children and young people. Emma is a co-creator of the award-winning Child Feeding Guide; an evidence-based website and web app which supports caregivers to achieve healthy, happy mealtimes with their children. Her research has also focused on child nutrition and development in Kenya, Peru and South Africa, working with local partners to develop ways to foster optimal child development and feeding, and provide effective support for caregivers.




Urban food security and nutrition research in Asia and the Pacific for FAO



Amal A. Abed

Nutrition, WASH, health education, and MEAL program and research expert

Projects: DIKODA

Penny Dutton

WASH expert and social specialist

Projects: DIKODA

Joana Forte

WASH expert

Projects: DIKODA
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